We're upgrading our system to serve you better! The maintenance will last 24-48 hours, and the website may be temporarily unavailable during this time.
Thank you for your patience—we’ll be back soon! 🙌
Your chatroom will be closed two hours after the last member has left or the chatroom has been inactive.
Form Posting Rules: No post will contain defamatory remarks, name calling or offensive remarks directed at another member. When addressing public figures, please only use proper names and titles. No posts may publicly reveal private email correspondence, unless the originator gives their permission to do so. Please respect the privacy of other members. Posts that threaten physical harm, or illegal acts will also not be tolerated. The operators of the Cafe Desire reserve the right to remove such posts, and solely at it’s discretion, suspend forum privileges of offenders. We encourage lively debate and free exchange of ideas and an open forum that encourages maximum participation. However, we require that you be civil, respectful, and if necessary, agree to disagree. If you have further questions, please review the Cafe Desire Terms of Service.